A GYPSY CHANGED MY LIFE – 30 years ago
By: Kevin Ireland


A CHORUS LINE opened on Broadway thirty-six years ago, on July 25, 1975. That anniversary has brought many memories to mind, so I'm sharing this story to remind my musical theatre friends the impact they will likely have for years to come. Pay it forward, gang. You will change lives too.

Thirty years ago while I was studying Computer Engineering at the University of Michigan, I visited NYC for New Year's Eve with my friend Bob. I'd never been to a Broadway show, but Bob’s friend, Fraser Ellis, was the understudy for at least three parts in A CHORUS LINE. Fraser not only got us house tickets for the show, we crashed in his apartment for our entire stay. Fraser was incredibly nice to me and to us, but I never saw or talked to him again.  No, I didn’t even write a “Thank You” note.  Kids, right?

That was the start of my love of musical theatre. I now live in Atlanta with my partner of 25 years, produce cabaret shows here and in New York, and host multiple music and theatre websites. It's hard for me to determine exactly how much impact A CHORUS LINE and Fraser have had on me - but this was definitely a life-changing event.

Like too many friends, Bob died quite a few years ago. Fraser stayed with the show for almost ten years, taking on the roles of Herman, then Frank - and then became assistant stage manager. I understand that Fraser is well and living in NY.
Thank you, Fraser, for your kindness. I'm sure you don't remember me - but I'll never forget you.


Postscript:  Mutual friends contacted Fraser and he wrote me one day after this note was first published. We haven't had time to catch up yet, but he said "GOOD LORD what a small world. It is amazing how any action, however small, may have an impact on someone else. I do remember."

Fraser and his partner of 19 years live on Long Island with their two Dalmatians.

KEVIN IRELAND is the founder and producer of http://www.theBestArts.com, one of the largest non-commercial musical theatre video websites in the world.  He’s the website lackey for http://www.cuttingedgecomposers.com, http://www.koomandimond.com and many other music and theatre websites.  He is an accomplished video editor, and has worked with Pasek and Paul, Burkell and Loesel, Kooman and Dimond, Ryan Scott Oliver, Adam Gwon, Jonathan Reid Gealt, Andre Catrini and more.  His videos feature performances by Adam Lambert, Shoshana Bean, Natalie Weiss, Marin Mazzie, and many others.Kevin produces cabaret shows in NYC and Atlanta, featuring Broadway performers like Hunter Ryan Herdlicka, Matthew Scott, Sara Jean Ford, Andrew Kober, Nikki Renee Daniels, Tyler Maynard, Jason Michael Snow, Alysha Umphress, Will Blum, Derek St. Pierre and Nikka Graff Lanzarone.  After working with the national touring casts of MARY POPPINS and PHANTOM, his next Atlanta benefit features cast members from the first National Tour of WICKED on September 26, 2011. Follow Kevin’s work at .



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